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Dealing with Chronic Pain

Dealing with Chronic Pain: The Pain Management Approach by Jack Barrett, Marna Carey, Gillian Moore–Groarke.
Stress: anxiety: isolation: despair: hopelessness. These are terms used by people who suffer long–term chronic pain. Pain is not just about physical sensations.
This book offers real help to those patients who have unrelieved pain. It will also help family members and friends understand why pain occurs, and more importantly, what can be done by the individual to help doctors and other health care workers. It is based on experience of the authors and many others throughout the world who treat pain with a combined approach – the Pain Management Programme. This combines the skills of different specialists to achieve the maximum restoration of function and return the pain–sufferer to as near normality as possible.
Here you will find easy–to–read and understand explanations of how pain is transmitted within the nervous system and how the body responds to injury. There are chapters on exercise and relaxation an explanation of some novel methods of pain relief and, most importantly, what you can do to help yourself.
The final section asks readers to look at themselves and their lifestyle and so see how simple changes in attitudes and activity can make a big difference to the levels of pain and the quality of life. There are no magic wands or miracle cures in the treatment of persistent pain, but the application of the common sense and advice found in the book will give readers a real opportunity to learn more about pain and find the way forward to a more active and fulfilling life.